
June 30, 2013

Occupational Health and Employee Wellness Work Better Together

By Phyllis Hanlon

It is a familiar refrain. “Let’s be our own best client and only then can we justifiably offer services to outside companies.” Though it makes sense, too many occupational health and employee health programs remain rigidly separate, leaving opportunities for synergy and cost savings on the table. Common protocols and approaches to both internal employee health services and outside occupational health clients will allow cost-effective synergies.

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Ready Set Change: The 18th Healthcare Marketing Strategies Summit

When the legendary singer Pearl Bailey said ‘You must change in order to survive,’ she could have been addressing the 500-plus healthcare marketers attending the 18th National Healthcare Marketing Strategies Summit in Scottsdale this spring. The appeal to change came from every corner as marketers were again and again urged to adapt to the demands and opportunities of digital marketing, the onset of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the proliferation of wellness programs and more.

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