
May 25, 2021

Town Hall – Staffing for Vacations

The efficient management of staffing during vacation periods can be a challenging task for many organizations, but it becomes inherently complex in the realm of healthcare services, where patient care cannot be compromised. Recently, we held an in-depth discussion on this intricate issue during our 21st NAOHP Town Hall of 2021. Our key speakers, Donnelly Gardner, Senior Director of RWJ Barnabas Health Corporate Care and Keith Lavin, NAOHP Director on the NAOHP Board for the Northeast, shared their extensive experiences and golden nuggets of wisdom.

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Town Hall – Loss Management or Lost Opportunity?

The Loss Management Service is a proactive approach to injury prevention. Since safety is an essential component of this service line, client companies receive assistance with safety program development and implementation. Supervisor training for accident reporting and investigation is provided to clients on site. The development of functional job descriptions and the establishment of temporary work assignments are also components of this service line. Client companies send all injuries to specific OHS facilities for injury care. Standards are developed to ensure injury management is standardized to provide emergency care, follow-up referrals and company feedback for all injured worker medical data.

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