Fracture Care – Which Fractures Should We be Treating In-House?


Fracture Care – Which Fractures Should We be Treating In-House? › – Via Google Drive

Fracture Care – Which Fractures Should We be Treating In-House? › – Via Dropbox


Town Hall Overview:

In the world of healthcare, providing efficient and effective care for fractures is essential. Fractures, or broken bones, are common injuries that require proper treatment to ensure optimal healing and long-term outcomes. However, the challenge lies in determining which fractures can be treated in-house, avoiding unnecessary referrals and maintaining the value proposition for healthcare providers. In this blog post, we will dive into the insights shared by Dr. Larry Earl and Dr. John Koehler during their discussion on fracture care. Join us as we explore the importance of managing fractures in-house and the criteria to determine when to refer patients.

Fracture Care in the Healthcare Ecosystem:
Dr. John Koehler, the CEO of OCDocOne, sheds light on the significance of fracture care in the healthcare ecosystem. Injuries, including fractures, are a crucial aspect of healthcare providers’ value proposition. Unfortunately, the current approach often leans towards referring fractures to orthopedic urgent cares, leading to a reduction in a clinic’s value. By keeping fracture care in-house, healthcare providers contribute to maintaining their position in the communities they serve and improve their value to corporations.

Understanding the Complexity of Fractures:
Fractures come in various forms and complexities, making it necessary to evaluate each one individually. Dr. Koehler emphasizes the importance of understanding fracture adjectives, such as displaced, comminuted, and open joint involvement. These adjectives help determine the severity and treatment approach for specific fractures. Not all fractures require referral or extensive treatment, and healthcare providers need to discern the appropriate path based on the fracture’s unique characteristics.

Determining Which Fractures to Treat In-House:
During the discussion, Dr. Koehler provides insights into different fractures and their treatability within a primary care or urgent care setting. He highlights that fractures of the toes and fingertips, avulsion fractures, certain distal fibula fractures, and radial styloid fractures are examples of low-risk fractures that can be managed in-house. These fractures rely on stable bone structures and often do not require surgical intervention.

On the other hand, high-risk fractures, such as tibial plateau fractures, femur fractures, and radial head fractures, should be referred out due to the potential for instability and long-term complications. These fractures often require specialist care and surgical intervention to achieve optimal outcomes. Providers must assess each fracture’s weight-bearing capacity, joint involvement, and stability to determine the appropriate course of action.

Training, Equipment, and Economic Impacts:
To successfully manage fractures in-house, healthcare providers must possess the necessary training and knowledge. Dr. Koehler emphasizes the importance of continuous professional development and acquiring hands-on experience in fracture care. Platforms like OpDocOne offer valuable resources, including guidelines, videos, and training materials for healthcare providers to enhance their fracture management skills.

In addition to training, having the proper equipment and supplies is essential for managing fractures effectively. From casting materials and splints to boots and slings, healthcare providers should ensure they have the necessary resources readily available to provide prompt and comprehensive fracture care.

The economic impact of managing fractures in-house should not be overlooked. By efficiently treating fractures, healthcare providers can generate substantial revenue. Proper fracture care ensures better patient outcomes, increased patient satisfaction, and improved payer relationships. Failing to address fractures in-house can lead to reduced reimbursements and impede a clinic’s financial stability.

Fracture care is an integral part of healthcare, and providers must make informed decisions about which fractures to treat in-house and when to refer patients. By understanding the complexities of fractures, assessing risk factors, and honing their fracture management skills, healthcare providers can deliver quality care while maintaining value for their communities and corporate partners. Managing fractures in-house not only benefits patients but also contributes to the financial stability and long-term success of healthcare providers


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