Individual Certification Retake

Which statement best defines benchmarking?(Required)
Which of the following practices is not recommended when creating an employer database?(Required)
Reducing the number of contractual arrangements is an effective approach to enhancing clinic net revenue.(Required)
Rapid or instant urine analysis is allowed under Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) guidelines.(Required)
What factors should a provider take into account when determining the appropriate pricing for policy development services offered to an employer?(Required)
Patient instruction and understanding of the treatment plan should be documented.(Required)
One common misconception about occupational health software is that it will:(Required)
In the realm of clinical management, which scenario provides the most accurate description of standardization?(Required)
When estimating the working population of an occupational health program's service area, it is recommended to include the entire primary service area.(Required)
When was the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) passed?(Required)
An important component of Employee Health Management is:(Required)
Electronic injury tracking and case management activities should best be:(Required)
The relationship between incentive compensation and performance is generally acknowledged to be:(Required)
Massage therapy is a first aid measure under federal O.S.H.A. regulations:(Required)
When evaluating the effectiveness of occupational health interventions, employers generally prioritize which aspect the most?(Required)
Supplying a company with a safety program is expected to reduce the occurrence of work-related injuries.(Required)
Which of the following is not needed to establish job descriptions?(Required)
Which regulatory activity in 1983 significantly fueled the emergence of the "provider-based" occupational health movement?(Required)
The DYAD Management system is the best model for the Medical Director and the program director.(Required)
Which of the following is not considered one of the components of the "Occupational Health Triad"?(Required)
Which of the following are considered the core components of a treatment plan for provider documentation?(Required)
To ensure that every potential user of its services is aware of their presence, a program should make a diligent effort in establishing a comprehensive "prospect universe."(Required)
What factor is considered the most crucial in the coordination of specialist referrals?(Required)
When developing documentation standards, you need to consider:(Required)
When establishing productivity standards, it is crucial to identify non-patient tasks.(Required)
Conducting a comprehensive assessment of the service mix across the market is crucial when formulating a staffing plan(Required)
How would the current stance of the federal government regarding ergonomics be best described:(Required)
The data-driven nature of occupational health practice promotes occupational medicine practitioners to be pioneers in the adoption of information management technology.(Required)
D.O.T. regulations identify which of the following for appropriate testing:(Required)
Which of the following does D.O.T. regulations specify as criteria for determining appropriate testing?(Required)
The success of developing a safety program for employers is unlikely without the support of which of the following?(Required)
For an occupational medicine clinic an example of an indirect expense is:(Required)
Which of the following steps is necessary for the successful establishment of productivity indicators?(Required)
The following would be considered “PHI” under H.I.P.A.A. regulations:(Required)
The Gatekeeper Role in an occupational health setting is best described as:(Required)
Which of the following is the most likely factor to generate consistent sales when developing services for employers within an occupational health program?(Required)
Which of the following factors is typically regarded as the most significant element in effective clinical management?(Required)
Written fee schedules should be reviewed and updated on an annual basis to incorporate any new charges, fee adjustments, and comparisons to prevailing charges within the service area.(Required)
At what intervals does the D.O.T. require random testing to be conducted throughout a calendar year?(Required)
When projecting revenue for a pro forma budget using a state workers' compensation fee schedule, it is recommended to calculate a weighted fee per encounter based on the clinic’s historic acuity level mix.(Required)
Efforts to establish electronic connectivity among providers, employers, and payers have encountered obstacles primarily due to:(Required)
The accurate collection and storage of patient demographic data during registration form the basis for efficient claims reporting and billing processes.(Required)
Productivity compliance to standard should be at which of the following percentages?(Required)
Which of the following responsibilities is not typically attributed to a Program Director?(Required)
Which model of occupational health program includes employee health concerns regarding personal health issues?(Required)
The current log that is used to record O.S.H.A. recordable injuries is called:(Required)
Who is impacted by H.I.P.A.A.?(Required)
As per D.O.T. guidelines, how many simulated urine specimen collections must the specimen collector conduct upon completing the training process?(Required)
Numerous employers are encountering rising costs across various aspects of healthcare.(Required)
Which of the following components are encompassed within an Integrated Health System?(Required)
An initial letter of introduction to a prospect should include all of the following except:(Required)
For an occupational medicine clinic an example of a fixed expense is:(Required)
H.I.P.A.A. regulations cover physical exam reports sent to employers for pre-placement/post-offer physicals.(Required)
A discharge note should include a summary of the injury, causality, management and work status of the patient.(Required)
The Total Health Management model is best described as management of:(Required)
The staffing model that is generally the most cost-effective for a typical occupational medicine program is likely to be:(Required)
The O.S.H.A. recording criteria encompasses all of the following situations except:(Required)
Which of the following components should be excluded from an incentive compensation package for occupational medicine physicians?(Required)
Which individuals or parties should be involved in product line management, in most situations?(Required)
Which of the following components is typically excluded from a hearing conservation program?(Required)
D.O.T. permits designation of supervisors at a company to collect urine specimens.(Required)
Expense management is crucial because a reduction in expenses commonly results in a proportional increase in profitability.(Required)
Which of the following industries are partially exempt from O.S.H.A.'s recordkeeping rules for routine injuries?(Required)
Maintaining profitability becomes challenging when clinic salary expense as a percentage of net or collected revenue exceeds:(Required)
Choose one approach that mixed-use urgent care/occupational medicine clinics can employ to bridge the gap between different patient populations, reimbursement systems, and reporting mechanisms, thereby enhancing operational efficiencies.(Required)
Expense budgets can be formulated based on:(Required)
Who is commonly recognized as the “father of occupational medicine?”(Required)
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (H.I.P.A.A.) uses the acronym P.H.I. as an abbreviation for Public Health Information.(Required)
The reimbursement for workers' compensation treatment is determined by the specific provisions outlined in the State Workers' Compensation Law.(Required)
Semi-variable salary expense is a function of visit volume.(Required)
An example of a variable expense for an occupational medicine clinic is:(Required)
The responsibility for ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) lies with the occupational health software vendor, rather than the clinic or program.(Required)
Who should have the ultimate responsibility for overseeing clinical activities?(Required)
Which of the following attributes is least likely to be found in successful occupational health programs of the future?(Required)
Which of the following is not a recommended listening skill?(Required)
Which of the following is a recurring characteristic or feature of product line management?(Required)
Documenting downstream occupational health revenue and referrals is important to:(Required)
In hospital-based programs, the stance of the management information systems (MIS) department usually plays a significant role in determining the level of ease or difficulty involved in implementing specialized occupational health software.(Required)
For the following reasons, H.I.P.A.A. allows the disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI) to workers' compensation insurers, state administrators, employers, and other individuals or entities involved in the workers' compensation system without requiring the injured worker's authorization:(Required)
According to national data, the average occupational health program tends to have a higher patient volume for medical surveillance exams compared to initial injuries.(Required)
Which of the following national trend(s) affects information management and communication practices in an occupational health setting:(Required)
The health outcome data collected on your organization's workforce should be utilized for marketing purposes when targeting employers.(Required)
What are the typical responsibilities of program directors/managers?(Required)
The significant changes in communication methods within occupational health over the past decade can be primarily attributed to:(Required)
Before providing drug-testing services to a company, it is advisable to inquire whether the employer has an up-to-date drug and alcohol testing policy in place.(Required)