Webinar Information Form For Speakers & Presenters


  1. Speakers/Presenters: Please complete all sections of this form.
  2. Attach a high-resolution headshot photo.
  3. Ensure learning objectives align with Bloom’s Taxonomy, using the reference guide.
  4. Click Submit at the bottom of this form. 

If you need assistance please feel free to contact

  • Content Assistance: Larry Earl  learl@naohp.com or the
  • Technical support:  admin@naohp.com

Bloom’s Taxonomy Reference (for crafting objectives)

  • Remember: Retrieve or recall information
  • Explain: Interpret, clarify, elaborate on ideas or concepts
  • Apply: Use knowledge in a new situation
  • Analyze: Break down information, identify relationships
  • Evaluate: Make judgments, assess value
  • Create: Generate new products or ways of viewing things
Presenter Name(Required)
maximum of 150 words
Max. file size: 100 MB.

Webinar Details

This is the main topic of the workshop, not the title. (ex: "Webdesign Mistakes That Hinder Your Business" would be the title. The topic would be "website needs"
brief, suitable for marketing purposes

Learning Objectives

Minimum of Three, Aligned to Bloom's Taxonomy
Bloom's Level (Remember, Explain, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Create)
Bloom's Level (Remember, Explain, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Create)
Bloom's Level (Remember, Explain, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Create)
Please add any CTA's you would like associated with your talk ot this area.
Staff Member Completing Entry: