How to Renew Your Membership – Manual Walkthrough

If the susbcription direct link is not working for you please follow the steps below to navigate to the correct page to renew your membership;
    1. Clear your cache and then log back into the NAOHP site. That should take you to your user profile.
2. You then need to select membership (just under the circle with a person icon in it, that will open a sub menu and you are going to click on subscriptions;
3. On the far right of the table next to the active subscription are 3 buttons; Renew, Change Plan and Sub Accounts. You can renew your membership when it comes time to expire, if you need more users then you can change the plan to a membership with more users or you can add or remove your sub account users.4. Click on Renew and complete the form that appears onscreen.5. If you need to change your plan to increase the number of available sub users, click on Change Plan. A pop up will appear and you can click on the options and select the one you need from the the dropdown list. Click the Select Plan button to make changes