Managing Member Dashboard Profile Settings

How to Review and Update Profile Settings
    1. Login >
    1. Once you are logged in you can go to this link directly >
    1. Click on the profile picture icon in the upper right corner and select “Profile”
    1. To edit your settings, click the “edit” button near the lower right corner. Some fields are required in order to save changes made to your profile. If an error message comes up that changes could not be made check to make sure all required fields have information in them.
    1. When editing your profile you can make changes such as:
        • Personal information (name, email, phone number, company name, etc)
        • Uploading a profile picture – the size of the profile picture should be at least 300px by 300px
        • Uploading a cover photo – the recommended size is at least 1950px by 450px
Here is a quick video showing you how to manage these settings from your member dashboard