Managing Member Messages and Connections

How to Review and Update Profile Settings

  1. Login >
  2. Once you are logged in you can go to this link directly >
  3. Click on the profile picture icon in the upper right corner and select “Messages.” Any messages you have will show up here. You can also start a new message by clicking the pen and paper icon. ***NOTE: You will need to be connected to someone in order to send them a direct message.
  4. To review if you are connected to someone, select “Connections” from the left menu. Any active connections will be listed here as well as any connection requests you have received.
  5. If you want to connect with a member, select “Members” from the left menu. Here you will see the option to follow, connect, or message next to a member’s name.
    • If you have requested to connect with a member there will be a colored avatar with a clock icon next to it instead of an avatar with a “+”
    • NOTE: You will still need to be connected in order to message a member.
    • Following will notify you about that person’s activity inside of the membership platform. This will not grant the ability to message them as a connection would.

Here is a quick video showing you how to manage this from your member dashboard