Member Dashboard – My Groups, My Forums, My Feed

How to Review and Update Profile Settings

  1. Login >
  2. Once you are logged in you can go to this link directly >
  3. On the left menu you will see options for “My Forums,” “My Groups,” and “My Feed.”
    • My Feed will be similar to other social platforms where the activities of members you follow, group activity, etc is listed.
    • My Forums show the forums you are a part of, your replies, favorite forums, and subscriptions
    • My Groups show groups you are part of and any invitations to join a new group that you have received.
  4. If you want to join a new forum or group you can do so by selecting “All Forums” or “All Groups” from the left menu.
    • Groups will have a button to request access. Some groups are private based on membership or event/course enrollment, others are available to join for all members.
    • Opening a Forum will give you the option to subscribe to the forum. You can also open a discussion within a Forum and Subscribe or favorite that specific discussion.

Here is a quick video showing you how to navigate forums and groups from your member dashboard