FOR Sale Positive cash Flow DOT Exam business in Portland Oregon.
This is a growing business, that can relocate, and is run very efficiently and cost effectively, having a cash flow of $249,234. We have loyal businesses and drivers that would transfer through the sale allowing your business to grow faster. The systems we have created for in-office and On-Site DOT exams are very efficient and can also be duplicated, facilitating expansion.
Extra income can be earned by adding more services such as drug testing, breath alcohol testing, respiratory fitting, FAA Flight, Coast Guard and other Occupational Medicine services. We can help train your staff and examiners to understand the details that make our business model very efficient and cost-effective. We would stay for a fee at least for 1 year, to consult which could include introducing you to the main safety and operational managers and decision-makers of the companies as we do business with many people within this industry. We want this to be successful and profitable for the future buyer. We also have a fully trained FMCSA examiner with over 10 year of experience, working as an independent contractor.
Collections 2023 $340,000, over 50% is cash, debit or credit card and the rest is invoicing companies, NO INSURANCE. Seller discretionary earnings (SDE) $249,234 x 3.5 multiplier for a logistics, growth business =$872,231. Our selling price is $850,000.
For more information: Please contact Annette at 503-287-3725
Or email
Dr. Annette Stevko
FMCSA Medical Examiner, for over 15 years
Chiropractic Sports Physician
The D.O.T Exam Center COBID certified firm WBE,ESB
503-287-3725 Online scheduling at
4111 NE Tillamook Street Portland, OR 97212 Your trusted DOT Physical Exam Resource
NAOHP National Association of Occupational Health Professionals (NAOHP)
American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM)