To: NAOHP members
Re: Spring Quarter 2012 conference call
From: Stacey Hart, member services coordinator

NAOHP Board of Directors Meeting Summary – May 24
The NAOHP board of directors held its quarterly meeting via conference call on May 24. Board Member Trena Williams was unable to attend. Executive Director Frank Leone and Member Services Coordinator Stacey Hart were in attendance.
Opening Comments: Board President Dr. Steven Crawford thanked all of the board members for their participation on the call.
2012 National Conference: Mr. Leone reported that the curriculum for the RYAN Associates’ 26th annual national conference, scheduled for October 8-10 in Chicago, has been finalized. The conference will include 12 courses and three special sessions, providing various lecture formats and networking opportunities. Keynote speaker Emily Friedman, a noted independent writer, lecturer, and health policy and ethics analyst, will address occupational health’s evolving role in the healthcare reform era.
New Member Recruitment and Renewals: Board member Mike Schmidt and Ms. Hart reported successful membership renewals and new member recruitment efforts. Renewal numbers for the year were strong.
NAOHP Vendor Program: Ms. Hart reported an increase in vendor membership in 2012. The board discussed reviewing national vendors to identify new resources beneficial to members.
Staff and Clinician Relationships: RYAN Associates will co-host a pre-conference with ACOEM titled “Worksite Wellness: The Healthy Worker Advantage.” Mr. Leone highlighted his speaking engagements at various conferences, emphasizing engagement in the wellness area.
Member Education and Services: Registration opened for the RYAN Associates’ 26th Annual National Conference. Continuing education credits for nursing and medical education were applied for. Mr. Leone’s summer seminar tour and book release (“Marketing Healthcare Services to Employers: Strategies and Tactics”) were noted.
Member Benchmarking: A joint venture with Press Ganey to provide national patient satisfaction benchmarking data for occupational health clinics was in the final stages.
Information Management: Notable mergers in the IT sector for occupational health were reported: UL’s acquisition of PureSafety and eScreen’s merger with Alere.
Publications: Rebecca Vesely, a healthcare industry senior writer, became the new editor of NAOHP’s member publication, VISIONS. Mr. Leone’s new book, “Marketing Healthcare Services to Employers: Strategies and Tactics,” was released.
The next board meeting is scheduled for August via conference call.