
workers compensation

Metrics Matter: How Data Drives Effective Workers’ Comp Interventions

Managing workers’ compensation costs and ensuring employee well-being can be a complex task. Employers can significantly enhance their workers’ comp programs by leveraging data-driven strategies. This article explores how analyzing key metrics can pinpoint intervention opportunities and drive successful outcomes. Five Critical Metrics for Workers’ Comp Success 1. Cost per

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Town Hall – IMEs Steve Crawford

The Loss Management Service is a proactive approach to injury prevention. Since safety is an essential component of this service line, client companies receive assistance with safety program development and implementation. Supervisor training for accident reporting and investigation is provided to clients on site. The development of functional job descriptions and the establishment of temporary work assignments are also components of this service line. Client companies send all injuries to specific OHS facilities for injury care. Standards are developed to ensure injury management is standardized to provide emergency care, follow-up referrals and company feedback for all injured workers medical data.

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