Jan 26th IME Dr. Crawford
Jan 26th IME Dr Steven Crawford
Town Hall Jan 26th 2021 from Lawrence Earl on Vimeo.
Injury/Loss Management Service Line Model
The Loss Management Service is a proactive approach to injury prevention. Since safety is an essential component of this service line, client companies receive assistance with safety program development and implementation. Supervisor training for accident reporting and investigation is provided to clients on site. The development of functional job descriptions and the establishment of temporary work assignments are also components of this service line. Client companies send all injuries to specific OHS facilities for injury care. Standards are developed to ensure injury management is standardized to provide emergency care, follow-up referrals and company feedback for all injured workers’ medical data.
Loss Management Manual
The development of a customized Loss Management Manual for policy, procedure, and services to clients is recommended. This manual provides all the necessary templates for policy development, pre-placement screening, OSHA-mandated testing, educational needs, on-site care, safety program development and a complete return-to-work program for the industrial client.
Get the Loss Management Manual here:
members only – 50% off use coupon code: NAOHP-ROCCS-50

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