In this session with Nicolette Davis, MPAS, PA-C, Assistant Specialty Medical Director, Occupational Medicine, Population Health- Atrium Health Employer Solutions and Grady Hardeman, Director – Corporate Health and Wellness of Atrium we learn how to conduct mass testing for Covid 19, and the general concept can be adapted to many other types of mass screening and testing events:
- What testing does CDC recommend for employees in a workplace?
- What did you find the best process for contracting for the screening?
- How do you ensure adequate testing supplies and equipment are ordered?
- What staff preparation is recommended for this workplace service?
- What marketing tools did you use for the employee notification?
- What processes did you use for documentation of the screening and testing?
- What process did you have for the results reporting?
- What was set up for employees who were positive?
Feb 16th Mass Screening in the workplace, Nicolette Davis – slides
Additional questions from attendees:
(Laura Dinsmore)
With the Binax Now -Did you need to use the NAVICA App? If so, how did that work?
We do it for one employer and we use it weekly. They supply 2 staff dedicated to using ipads to scan the patient’s phone when they go to the swabbing area. Then they stand by the results table and scan the card as soon as the card is done processing. The patient then gets a notification to their phone of their results and they stand up and exit the event. No paper result cards are required but I also do not commit my staff to doing this extra step so if the employer wants it, they must provide the staff to do it.
To add to that, the employers we have allowed to do this are those that have nurses who already are allowed to have access to the medical records of those being tested…
The Loss Management Manual
The Loss Management Service is a proactive approach to injury prevention. Since safety is an essential component of this service line, client companies receive assistance with safety program development and implementation. Supervisor training for accident reporting and investigation is provided to clients on-site. The development of functional job descriptions and the establishment of temporary work assignments are also components of this service line. Client companies send all injuries to specific OHS facilities for injury care. Standards are developed to ensure injury management is standardized to provide emergency care, follow-up referrals and company feedback for all injured worker medical data.
CLICK HERE or image below to get the loss management manual
UL’s SYSTOC Kiosk, automatic appointment reminders, and no-show notifications to the employer help streamline the front desk workflow.
Download here: SYSTOC Kiosk for occupational medicine