Transitioning from Volume to Value Q&A

Q: Do we still need to measure our volumes?

“Certainly. Volumes provide a platform to in turn measure value. For example, higher Ns mean greater impact.” “We think of value as an equation: value = a+b+c+d or say volumes, outcomes, and patient satisfaction. Measure both quantitatively and qualitatively.”

Q: How do we measure value?

“We strive to meet standards of care. Clients look for lost workdays, accessibility, communication, return-to-work outcomes, and lost-time data.” “Must have the capacity to blend internal definitions of value with your constituent’s concept of value. Look at client perception of value both in the aggregate across all employers as well as employer-specific.”

Q: What do we mean by value?

“At the end of the day, let your consumers define value.” “Occupational health program metrics can help programs compare to benchmarks such as turnaround, communication, and access to appointments. The NAOHP, AAOHN, and ACOEM all offer benchmark data.”

Q: How do we make this transition?

“We began by defining how to measure value; our software helped greatly.” “In order to make the volume to value transition you must get everyone onboard; becoming more value-oriented as a team requires a major shift in mindset.”

“Compensate accordingly, not in the same old tired ways. Provide incentives to providers based on productivity, return-to-work outcomes, and patient satisfaction performance.”

Q: How does value in this instance connect with accountable care value?

“Occupational health as we knew it is now part of a larger paradigm, with much less clinic level focus and more [focus] on what can be done to enhance the health and safety of [the] larger population.”

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