To: NAOHP Members
Re: Winter Quarter 2014 NAOHP Board Meeting
From: Madeline Tan, Coordinator, NAOHP Member Services

The NAOHP Board held its winter quarter meeting on February 10, 2014, via teleconference. NAOHP Board President Dr. Steve Crawford and board members Debbie Borisjuk, Trena Williams, Mary Alice Ehrlich, Mike Schmidt, Marilyn Trinkle, Barbara Enochs, and Brenda Jacobsen were present. NAOHP coordinator Madeline Tan and VISIONS editor Isabelle Walker were also in attendance.
Opening Comments
Board President Dr. Crawford thanked all board members for participating in the meeting and welcomed Marilyn Trinkle and Brenda Jacobsen, NAOHP’s newly elected West and At-Large Representatives. Dr. Crawford opened the meeting by announcing that Executive Director Frank Leone had successfully invited the ten most popular speakers at 2013’s national conference to present at the 28th Annual National Conference in Philadelphia. He then announced the course tracks to be featured at the upcoming national conference.
2014 National Conference Course Moderators
Dr. Crawford asked each board member to moderate one of the 12 conference course tracks based on their individual expertise and interests. All board members on the call selected a course track and helped Dr. Crawford assign tracks to members who were not present. Ms. Jacobsen suggested the topic “Adapting to the ACA” be a highlight again, this time focusing on both the clinic and employer’s perspective.
2014 National Conference Course Topics
Dr. Crawford solicited ideas on what board members thought would be important emerging trends in occupational health for the 2014 course topic “Strategic Trends and Visions.” Mr. Schmidt suggested a course on utilizing social media to promote business; Dr. Crawford noted that this idea may be more geared towards sales and marketing. Ms. Enoch suggested that telemedicine could be a good idea. Ms. Ehrlich suggested the topic of population health management and whether hospital-based organizations can offer their programs to the outside community.
Dr. Crawford then addressed the topic of Benchmarking Standards, and Ms. Ehrlich stated that biometrics would also be an important issue to cover. Ms. Jacobsen said she would like to know how to get paid for wellness programs. Dr. Crawford agreed with Ms. Jacobsen’s sentiments, adding that he would like to know more about how to communicate the value of wellness initiatives.
Adding Value To National Conference’s Last Day
Dr. Crawford asked the board for suggestions on how to encourage conference attendees to remain through the last day. He added that the addition of a common session or another keynote speaker on the last morning could entice attendees to stay on. Mr. Schmidt suggested opening the conference to locals on the last day so that they have the opportunity to listen to the keynote speaker or attend a class. Ms. Jacobsen commented that a small topics table could be a good idea; however, the board noted this idea had not been successful in the past. Ms. Enoch thought it would be a good idea to create a local engagement or social event that would draw attendees to stay. Dr. Crawford asked board members to continue thinking about this question.
Increasing Board Communication
The next question posed to the board was: how can individual board member communication with members of their respective regions be improved? Mr. Schmidt proposed a quarterly call-in radio program, to which members could call in and speak to their board member about an issue their program is facing. Ms. Ehrlich supported this idea and said she had participated in something similar recently when a member found her information in VISIONS and contacted her with a question. Ms. Enoch liked this idea too but wanted to know how to regulate it so that specific ideas shared would not constitute a competitive giveaway. Ms. Enochs then suggested that an orientation session be implemented at the beginning of the 2014 National Conference to help new attendees get the most out of the conference.
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