Help Shape the Future of Occ Med Programs - Take the Naohp Benchmarking Survey Now!

Discover Insights to Help You Make More Informed Decisions In Your Practice

Do you struggle with understanding how to optimize your occupational health services in order to provide exceptional care? You’re not alone. Many of the Occ Med providers that we’ve worked with face the same challenge. Now, you can be part of the solution and help shape the future of occupational medicine.

Unlock Exclusive Insights and Trends in Occupational Medicine Programs with the NAOHP Benchmarking Survey!

The field of Occupational Medicine is constantly adapting and evolving. By participating in the NAOHP Benchmarking Survey, you’ll gain access to exclusive insights and trends in occupational medicine programs across the country. Learn best practices, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions that will improve your organization’s operations and quality of care. The survey is developed by experts in the field with decades of experience and is designed to gather comprehensive data about your occupational medicine program.
Man consulting a doctor

Why Should You Participate in the Survey?

Your insight is invaluable and your participation will make a difference in the field of occupational medicine. By completing our survey, you are taking an important step towards optimizing your own program and pushing the whole industry forward. Not to mention, as a thank you for participating, you’ll receive exclusive access to the benchmarking report once it’s published.

Benefits of Participating in the NAOHP Benchmarking Survey:

  • Compare your program’s performance, services, and outcomes against industry standards and leading practices.
  • Contribute to shaping the future of occupational medicine by providing your valuable input that will help identify trends, gaps and emerging areas of importance in the field.
  • Access exclusive reports that provide valuable insights into current best practices and how to apply findings to optimize your program’s effectiveness.
Doctor giving prescription to patient

Act Now and Unlock Significant Savings!

Take advantage of our incredible discounts when you register for the NAOHP benchmarking survey! All NAOHP members will receive an instant discount of $199, plus a further $100 discount for each completed section (up to 7 sections total) – giving you an amazing savings of up to $899! That’s equal to the full cost of the survey, making your participation absolutely FREE!


Don’t delay! You have until August 30th to complete the NAOHP Benchmarking Survey and help shape the future of Occupational Medicine services. Because once this opportunity is gone, it’s GONE – so make sure to unlock our exclusive discounts and get access to the report for free before time runs out!

What Members Are Saying…

Please Complete by or Before August 30th, 2023

Want to sponsor this study? Your logo and company blurb will be included on the sponsor page within the study report. Contact Dr. Earl with your interest –