Reporting Driver Exam Results on the National Registry

Instructions for Reporting Driver Exam Results The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has heard from many of you asking how to submit driver exam results to the National Registry. How Do I Submit My Driver’s Exam Results?

  1. Go to the National Registry website:
  2. Log-in on to your National Registry account with your Username & password
  3. Select “CMV Driver Exams” from the blue bar at the top of the screen
  4. Select “Submit CMV Driver Exam Results”
  5. Input driver information and exam data, then click “Submit”
  6. When you submit your driver’s exam results, you may select View/Print Medical Examiner’s Certificate to view or print a Medical Examiner’s Certificate.

How Do I Report No Exams in the Prior Month?

  1. Go to the National Registry website:
  2. Log in to your National Registry account with your Username & password
  3. Select “CMV Driver Exams” from the blue bar at the top of the screen
  4. Select “Report No Exams to Submit”

How Do I Report Updates or Corrections to Submitted Exams? (You must create a new exam record to report an update or a correction.)

  1. Go to the National Registry website:
  2. Logon to your National Registry account with your Username and password
  3. Select “CMV Driver Exams” from the blue bar at the top of the screen
  4. Select “Submit CMV Driver Exam Results”
  5. Input updated or corrected driver information and exam data
  6. Select “Update to Previously Transmitted Exam”, then click “Submit

When Must I Submit Exams or Report No Exams? Submit driver exam results by the end of the month following the exam month. For example, exams performed in September 2014 must be reported to FMCSA by October 31, 2014. Or, if you performed no exams during a month, report no exams to submit by the end of the following month. For example, if you performed no exams in September 2014, you must report no exams to submit by October 31, 2014. Where Do I Find More Information?

  1. Go to the National Registry website:
  2. Select “Resource Center” from the bottom left box of the homepage
  3. Under “Medical Examiners”, select the link to Complete Guide to Medical Examiner Certification

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Website:
Medical Review Board Website:
National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners Website:

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