
September 1, 2019

Improving the Patient Experience

As the consumerization of healthcare persists, low switching costs, multiple service options, and abundant information are all part of the competitive landscape on which healthcare providers must play in order to acquire and keep patients.

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Recently FMCSA has stated that it no longer “endorses” the medical examiner handbook, a publication many examiners have used as their “bible” for guidance regarding commercial driver exams.

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OSHA Updates Fall 2019

U.S. Department of Labor Approves New Respirator Fit Testing Protocols to Protect Workers from Airborne Contaminants The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a final rule that provides employers with two new fit testing protocols for ensuring that employees’ respirators fit properly.

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The Value of a Medical Review Officer

Of all the service agents involved in the testing process, the MRO bears the most significant responsibility for the accuracy and integrity of the testing process. Ideally, a business’ drug and alcohol testing program is mostly unseen, running in the background to keep employees safe and the company protected. Workers get tested, and results most often go to human resources professionals, who process them accordingly.

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