
January 1, 2022

Dyad Leadership Model and Why It Works for Us

Frederick Health Employer Solutions has three Occupational Health Practices that are led by our Medical Director, Stephan C.B. Mann MD MPH, and by me as the Operations Manager. Dr. Mann’s expertise is clinical and in providing quality patient care, staying current with medical guidelines, government regulations such as OSHA, DOT, etc., as well as extensive experience managing other medical caregivers.

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Using Email and LinkedIn to Optimize Your Occ Med Sales Process

Traditionally, growing an occupational medicine practice has centered on a traditional business-to-business sales approach. One or more employees are typically responsible for working with prospects to convert them into clients. This involves activities such as calling, knocking on doors, and attending networking events to connect with potential clients. Even in the age of digital marketing, a direct sales approach remains key to growing your practice.

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