
Urgent Care Mentor

To Clot or Not – part 2

One of my biggest pet peeves is transferring patients to the ER because of the inability to obtain confirmatory diagnostic testing for potentially serious conditions. We all know the ER cost of admission – 4-5 X what it costs to treat the same condition in the urgent care setting.

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What’s the Weight Cutoff for a Commercial Driver?

Obesity is an epidemic among commercial drivers.  As a group, they are also getting older, are sedentary, smoke, have poor eating habits, have multiple medical problems including cardiovascular disease and obstructive sleep apnea, and are unhealthier than the general population.

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Your Primary Tab is Empty

For a long time I’ve wanted to share personal and team productivity techniques I and others I work with have found useful.  I’ve probably hesitated on this because there are so many excellent tools I use and I always think I should boil it down to just a few and explain all my reasons for using this or that app.

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FMCSA Bulletin on Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Commercial Drivers

FMCSA Bulletin on Sleep Apnea is not Rule

Finally some guidance to medical examiners from FMCSA in this bulletin on obstructive sleep apnea. Although not a “rule” and therefore no specific details of exactly how to screen, evaluate, certify/disqualify, or manage these cases, the guidance here is consistent with previous recommendations and medical expert panel reports.

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