
Urgent Care Mentor

Suboxone in Commercial Drivers

I was wondering about the patients who currently take Suboxone. I practice in an area where drug abuse is epidemic. I know methadone users are disqualified but was also wondering about Suboxone. I am uncomfortable with the thought of any of these substances being taken by drivers….but also don’t want to be prejudicial. I can’t find any information on this particular substance.

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Skill Performance Examinations (SPE)

I am confused on the SPE testing. I understand that it is for a fixed
physical problem and cannot be used for a progressive disorder or disease
but how often is it necessary to perform for a driver? Is it specific for
first time testing on a PE or is it used at every certification for that
driver? Thanks

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Get Back to Work

A frustrated PA I interviewed recently told me a story that really burns me on two levels:

1.Inconsistency and discontinuity in urgent care practice

2. Bad worker’s compensation return to work policy

And a 3rd is probably lack of management support for a rational clinical decision.

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